iLauncher v3.0.3.2 - Apk Bengor

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iLauncher v3.0.3.2

iLauncher v3.0.3.2

This is an iphone style home screen launcher.


-Icons have adjusted corners and shine impacts.
-Long touch symbols to move them around and position them as you like.
-Easily uninstall applications from your home screen.
-Press the back bind to passageway alter mode.
-Can change every requisition's name and symbol by touching the application in a matter of seconds in wiggle mode
-Support 5 columns mode, much the same as iphone 5
-Support tablets (ipad mode)
-Changable logo
-Support live wallpapers

iLauncher v3.0.3.2iLauncher v3.0.3.2


Lorem Ipsum is an example of dummy text in the printing and lettering industry Lorem Ipsum is an example of dummy text in the printing and lettering industry


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