Smart Launcher Pro v1.7.6 - Apk Bengor

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Smart Launcher Pro v1.7.6

Smart Launcher Pro v1.7.6

It's right now the main launcher of Play Store, which has a capacity of immediate sorting and listing of fixed provisions !

Star rendition has an optional screen where you can put widgets. There are additionally more moves and shades to tweak the home screen. By acquiring, you will give to the advancement of Smart Launcher and it will give you new characteristics and overhauls.

Minimalist doesn't mean under-features !

-Main screen with Quick Start
-Drawer arranged by classifications
-Ready to use without uncommon designs.
-Live Wallpaper Support
-It upholds each screen and apparatus (Google Tv as well!!)
-Widget help (Pro form just)
-Support of set of symbols for Adw Launcher, Apex Launcher, Nova Launcher and Launcher Pro.
-Possibility to change a solitary symbol in the drawer.
-You can conceal each application you need by long pressing an application, then select menu → Hide.
-Quick look.
-Dozens and portions of worldwide topics, which will permit you to change all components of the interface.
-Easy access to applications illumination.
-Designed to be utilized agreeably likewise as a part of scene mode.
-Option to conceal the statusbar.

Smart Launcher Pro v1.7.6Smart Launcher Pro v1.7.6

Smart Launcher Pro v1.7.6Smart Launcher Pro v1.7.6

Smart Launcher Pro v1.7.6Smart Launcher Pro v1.7.6


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