Whatsapp Messenger is a cell phone emissary accessible for Android and different cell phones. Whatsapp utilizes your 3g or Wifi (when accessible) to message with loved ones. Switch from Sms to Whatsapp to send and appropriate messages, pictures, sound notes, and motion picture messages. To begin with year Free!
Visit with your companions everywhere on the planet with the expectation that they have Whatsapp Messenger introduced and escape those bothersome worldwide Sms costs.
Whatsapp works with your telephone number, much the same as Sms might, and incorporates impeccably with your existing telephone address book.
★ Offline Messages: Even provided that you miss your push notices or turn off your telephone, Whatsapp will spare your messages disconnected from the net until you recover them throughout the following requisition utilization.
― further association changes with Wi-Fi
― various bug fixes, interpretations and enhancements