2Lines for WhatsApp ★ ROOT v1.1.2 - Apk Bengor

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2Lines for WhatsApp ★ ROOT v1.1.2


Do you have several mobile phone numbers? Do you have two Whastapp accounts and hold these individuals upon unique mobile devices?

Two Lines for Whatsapp allows you to use Whatsapp with different cell phone amounts about the same device!

2 Lines for Whatsapp helps you to save just about every Whatsapp account data you've and bring back the idea routinely if you move collected from one of to a different with out requiring registration or expecting SMSs each and every time.

USE ON YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY!! Chorrasoft will not get duty for any misplaced or tainted info on your Whatsapp request.

What is New

 - Add more information about Root proccess of your device.
 - Add German translation thanks to Sascha Kleinert.
 -Check out in the event that not any complete the particular WhatsApp registration course of action.

2Lines for WhatsApp ★ ROOT v1.1.22Lines for WhatsApp ★ ROOT v1.1.2

2Lines for WhatsApp ★ ROOT v1.1.2



2Lines for WhatsApp ★ ROOT v1.1.2

2Lines for WhatsApp ★ ROOT v1.1.2


Do you have several mobile phone numbers? Do you have two Whastapp accounts and hold these individuals upon unique mobile devices?

Two Lines for Whatsapp allows you to use Whatsapp with different cell phone amounts about the same device!

2 Lines for Whatsapp helps you to save just about every Whatsapp account data you've and bring back the idea routinely if you move collected from one of to a different with out requiring registration or expecting SMSs each and every time.

USE ON YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY!! Chorrasoft will not get duty for any misplaced or tainted info on your Whatsapp request.

What is New

 - Add more information about Root proccess of your device.
 - Add German translation thanks to Sascha Kleinert.
 -Check out in the event that not any complete the particular WhatsApp registration course of action.

2Lines for WhatsApp ★ ROOT v1.1.22Lines for WhatsApp ★ ROOT v1.1.2

2Lines for WhatsApp ★ ROOT v1.1.2



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