Bus Simulator 3D v1.4.0 - Apk Bengor

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Bus Simulator 3D v1.4.0

Bus Simulator 3D v1.4.0

Do you just like driving a car huge vehicles? Next you will need to do this Shuttle bus Generating game! Easy handles, realistic automobile physics and also challenging game play. Act as the best Shuttle bus New driver in the world while using on the net ranking capabilities and also achievements. Shuttle bus Simulator three dimensional is the 1st free shuttle game pertaining to Google android! Shuttle bus airport parking will be absolutely nothing, check out the shuttle simulator! The most effective involving the Shuttle bus Video games!

-Realistic bus physics
-Traffic cars system
-Different buses to drive
-Locations involving all kinds: town, country, off-road, wasteland and also snow
-Realistic damage
-Tilinting, control keys and also steering wheel handles.
-Interior Camera
-Cool and also easy artwork
-Challenge friends and family having on the net search rankings
-More ranges arriving each week!

What's New
1.0.0 - First Release
1.0.1 - Fixed locked buses after purchase
1.1.0 - 3 new maps! Added blinkers. Added a new Bus!
1.2.0 - 5 new maps! 2 new Buses! Fixes and improvements.
1.3.0 - 3 new maps ! 2 new Buses! Fixed bugs!
1.4.0 - 3 night maps! Fixed lvl 2 bugs.

Bus Simulator 3D v1.4.0

Bus Simulator 3D v1.4.0

Bus Simulator 3D v1.4.0

Bus Simulator 3D v1.4.0

Bus Simulator 3D v1.4.0

Bus Simulator 3D v1.4.0

Bus Simulator 3D v1.4.0

Bus Simulator 3D v1.4.0



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