EZ Weather has a simple, clean and beautiful HOLO interface. It can be designed for simple employing.
You can get weather conditions swiftly which includes every day as well as per hour estimates for any place.
: Daily and hourly forecast ( 7 days and 24 hours), current detail conditions
: Auto-location, up to date with all your location
: Service demonstrate temperature within notification
: Service timepiece & temperature, outlook as well as existing temperature data golf widget
: Service thousands locations around the globe, get it when you find yourself journeying!
: Small improvements so that you will not likely consume computer data limit
: Service information regarding temperature, the wind rate as well as path, dampness, visibility, stress, dew place, UV and so on.
: Service Quick-Action (You might open up timepiece, appointments, temperature, golf widget options through just click distinct region within widget)
: Service Uk, Chinese language, A language like german, Hungarian, Ruskies, How to speak spanish, Hebrew, The french language. Italian language, Turkish, Serbian, Ukrainia, Shine, Korean as well as Colonial, B razil
What's New
0.5.14 beta 3 ( if there has any problem after update, please re-install this version)
-Fix data issue
-Fix drain battery issue
-Fix force close bug.
-Fix some widget view issue.
-Add Globe Clock with regard to golf widget. (Not firm currently, need to have put metropolis again)
-Add Quick-Action selection with regard to security as well as appointments.
Before 0.5.13
-Support xxhdpi display size (1920X1080)
-Support open up MIUI alarm clock, HTC appointments..
-Support Xperia Z l36h.
-Add minimal notification topic
-Fit widget size for tablet (Nexus 7 / 10)