Light Flow - LED&Notifications v3.9.2 - Apk Bengor

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Light Flow - LED&Notifications v3.9.2

Light Flow - LED&Notifications v3.9.2

Light Flow permits you to take control of your notifications LED colors and makes easy.

It likewise permits you to set rehashing sounds on vibration designs for you warnings. You can additionally set a "doze" mode or "on charge" where the lights or sounds and vibrations won't be heard or seen. Provided that you've originated from a Blackberry gadget and miss the characteristics of Bebuzz / Berrybuzz then give Lightflow an attempt!

This program will permits you to control the notification color for the over 600 applications and system events such as:
* Missed calls
* Voice mails
* Calendar
* gmail
* email
* SMS messages
* Low battery
* No signal
* Google talk
* Facebook
* Twitter
...and many many more

It permits the colors to blaze in progression, so provided that you have another SMS and a missed call it can substitute between the two shades. You can additionally set which warning sort has the most astounding necessity and gave it a chance to glimmer in just that one color.

It'll even push warnings out to your stone brilliant watch and the Dashclock lock screen enlargement.

What's New
Most bug fixes - see Full change log here:
Show in the "recents" history

Light Flow - LED&Notifications v3.9.2 Light Flow - LED&Notifications v3.9.2

Light Flow - LED&Notifications v3.9.2 Light Flow - LED&Notifications v3.9.2

Light Flow - LED&Notifications v3.9.2 Light Flow - LED&Notifications v3.9.2



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