Meridian Media Player Pro v3.0.17 - Apk Bengor

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Meridian Media Player Pro v3.0.17

Meridian Media Player Pro v3.0.17

The video and music player with most customizable space.
Convenient gestures to control.
Advanced media folder settings, you can arranged which include and also excluding ringbinders -- in different LEVEL. Besides one amount within /sdcard at this point.
PlayQ in lieu of playlists, are designed for video lessons, musics, and also their MIXTURE. Additionally, you can fit some sort of folder, a great artist, a great cd or maybe prefer that into a PlayQ.

Other features:
-- Music tag editing (mp3, flac, ogg, mp4 audio, etc.)
-- .srt subtitle support
-- Song rating, can synchronize with PC in Pro version
-- Perform movie seeing that songs, for your songs video lessons
-- Toolkit to help rescan Sd card, fresh media data bank
-- Folder surfing around and also directory surfing around
-- Personalized an eye
... plus much more.

Meridian Media Player Pro v3.0.17Meridian Media Player Pro v3.0.17

Meridian Media Player Pro v3.0.17Meridian Media Player Pro v3.0.17

Meridian Media Player Pro v3.0.17Meridian Media Player Pro v3.0.17



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