Next Time Tunnel livewallpaper v1.14 - Apk Bengor

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Next Time Tunnel livewallpaper v1.14

Next Time Tunnel livewallpaper v1.14

Next Time Tunnel livewallpaper, designed for Next Launcher 3D specially, will be unveiled currently. Its great features include:

The blue shining stars rotate in the tunnel with gravity.

--With Next Launcher--
1. You can shuttle service within the occasion tunnel with the movements of your respective little finger.
3. The actual blue glowing superstars can behave using your action in residence display.
3. Magnificant with the kind of Up coming Launcher subjects

How to use:
General:Long press homescreen—>Wallpaper—>Live wallpaper—>Next Time Tunnel
With Next Launcher:Long press homescreen(Click 'Menu')—>Wallpaper—> Next live wallpaper—>Time Tunnel

What's New
1. (Improve) Gravity sensing smoothness
2.(Fix) Some FC bugs
3. (Fix) A few FC pests.

Next Time Tunnel livewallpaper v1.14Next Time Tunnel livewallpaper v1.14

Next Time Tunnel livewallpaper v1.14Next Time Tunnel livewallpaper v1.14

Next Time Tunnel livewallpaper v1.14Next Time Tunnel livewallpaper v1.14



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