AntiVirus PRO Mobile Security v4.0.1.2 Apk Download - Apk Bengor

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AntiVirus PRO Mobile Security v4.0.1.2 Apk Download

AVG Anti-Virus to get Mobile Security PRO for Android ™ now for a premium , full featured and protection from viruses , malware , spyware and online exploitation in real-time .

With AVG Anti-Virus Pro Mobile Security you can:
- Scanning applications , settings, files , and media , and calls text messages (SMS) in real time
- Enable find / locate your lost or stolen via Google Maps ™
- Browse the web safely and securely
- Battery monitor , store, and use the data package

In addition, when you install the application premium , you also get:
- Application Locker - Password protect access application
- Application Backup - Backup applications from your device to SD
- Camera trap - discreetly emails you a picture of anyone entering 3 wrong passwords when you try to open your phone
- SIM lock - Locks your phone whenever the SIM card is replaced

AVG Antivirus PRO Mobile Security Also:
- Defends against malicious applications , viruses , malware and spyware.
- Helps to ensure communications , bookmarks and text messages are safe
- Guards you from phishing attacks




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