Chess 1.81 APK Download - Apk Bengor

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Chess 1.81 APK Download

The Highest Requirements:
  • Size: 6.4 megabytes
  • Rating: 4.7 / 5
  • Type : Puzzle

And Features of The Item : - Play 12 levels ( beginner – > Expert)
Which, in turn, uses intelligent weakening of low-level . Good for beginners .
- I use the Treebeard chess engine
( As used in chess MSN Microsoft). This has ” human-like ” unique style .
- Thinking ” option of the CPU to display the ”
Features unique great for learning chess . This shows you the move AI is considering .
- Tutor of chess
- Disabled chess statistics , timer , Tips
For each level , to track the history of your career and improve your rating
- Hot Seat 2 player
Play against friends!
- 5 -Piece Set Chess and chess board 8
- Review game mode
Step through your game back , to see what you won !
- Load / Save game files & PGN export
- Designed for both phone and tablet
- Support of the trackball and full touch screen
- Support for the action bar and 4.x Android 3.x latest for the option to access the menu
New features 
  •  It fixed a possible bug with the tutor , you can suggest to move to the side occasionally with a very wrong .
  •  Rare bug has been fixed end game VS K of KBB .


Download Chess 1.81 APK [Android] 

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