one of the best music player available for Android users.AMP is easy to navigate, intuitive and constantly evolving to a better music player, aspiring to be the music player of choice for Android devices.
Key Features:
- Playlists
- Enqueue
- Notification Controls (HoneyComb+)
- Lockscreen controls (ICS+)
- Jelly Bean notification controls
- Gapless Playback (Jelly bean+)
- Portrait and Landscape Mode
- Fast image caching
- Persistent now playing bar
- Headset button controls
- Customizable widget
- Automatically stop playing when disconnecting headset
- 5 band equalizer
- Album art downloading
- Gesture control
- Scrobbling support
- 3 different themes
What’s New in v1.3.17
- Huge ChromeCast bug fix. ChromeCast should work a lot more reliably now.
- Huge translation update.
- Fixed bug where notification would stop responding
- Fixed a force closure where attempting to close the notification
- Fixed some potential memory leaks
Download Shuttle+ Music Player v1.3.17 Apk Download