What's New
- We've added the ability to swype between wallpaper without leaving the main screen
- bug fixes
Premium Wallpapers HD and Backgrounds HD is a collection of the best full HD wallpapers and backgrounds for your smartphone or tablet. All our wallpapers have been personally selected so you can personalize your smartphone.
A modern but simple UI is used so you can easily navigate between categories. We hope it will make it easy to get to the wallpapers you want. Also in Premium Wallpapers HD (Backgrounds HD) you have the opportunity to favorite the wallpapers you like most along with users all over the world, making your favorite wallpapers rise to the top!
- More than 10,000 wallpapers in HD quality.
- Wallpaper sorted by 25+ categories.
- New wallpapers and images every day.
- Only HD quality.
- Save wallpapers on your SD card.
- The high speed of the application.
- Stylish interface.
- Ability to automatically change wallpaper
Download Premium Wallpapers HD Premium v2.5.2