CheapCast v0.3.6-BETA - Apk Bengor

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CheapCast v0.3.6-BETA

CheapCast v0.3.6-BETA

CheapCast is an app that give to emulate the ChromeCast Dongle. It allows your Android Smartphone & Tablets to act as target (1st Screen) for ChromeCast-enabled Applications (like YouTube, Google Music)
Please note: This is a early Beta version. Some (if not all) things might not work correctly. Additionally casting Chrome Tabs, Netflix and Play Movies are not yet supported. Because of DRM, Play Movies and Netflix might actually never work.

What's New
* Improved AutoPlay
* Added support for custom apps
* Fixed incompabilities with Devices running Android versions below 4.0

CheapCast v0.3.6-BETACheapCast v0.3.6-BETA

CheapCast v0.3.6-BETACheapCast v0.3.6-BETA

CheapCast v0.3.6-BETA



Lorem Ipsum is an example of dummy text in the printing and lettering industry Lorem Ipsum is an example of dummy text in the printing and lettering industry


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