Avast 3.0.7550 Apk Download - Apk Bengor

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Avast 3.0.7550 Apk Download

Avast for Android updated with crashing widget solution to the problem , and now you do not have any issues regarding the best anti-theft solution on the market . Avast is easy to use and it's not a big huge resource hog like it could be many others . Keeps your mobile device safe and contains a lot of options and configuration options . Get it for your computer too! The new version is great, and it's fast , safe, and the most important thing is that it does not fail to recognize the mallware. After the last update now allows ads and comfortable you want to pay for the ban , Adblock Plus everyone free and bettet!

Avast Antivirus important mostly for our mobile and computer. This is a security tools such as viruses , virus removal , and the cleanliness and protection , network meter , application manager , application lock , and even the firewall (for rooted phones ) gives you full control to stay clean. If you have rooted your device , you can use a firewall applications , and prevent some applications ( like Angry Birds ) to access the Internet. Application of the great addresses for neurosis of smartphone owners and antivirus application highly recommended .


  • - Remotely lock and wipe the memory features ( only two of the many components advanced anti- theft ) keep your data safe from theft.
  • - Protects against infections and general threats to the operating system -based Wi-Fi and application vulnerabilities .

What's New in Version 3.0.7550:
- Some other minor bug fixes
- Crashing piece has been fixed for some of Sony Ericsson handsets
- The new payment methods in some countries

Requirements: Android 2.1 Or Higher

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