Pure Grid Calendar Widget v2.5.4 - Apk Bengor

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Pure Grid Calendar Widget v2.5.4

Pure Grid Calendar Widget v2.5.4

Widget for Agenda / Tasks / TODO (month or week datebook view style).

-Synced with Google calendars
-Show datebooks from Google, Touchdown & Moto/lg Exchange
-Show errands from Astrid, Anydo, Tasks Team, Myphoneexplorer, Ultimate To-Do List, Tasksync, Calengoo, gtasks, Got To Do, Task Organizer, Due Today, Touchdown, Pocket Informant 2/3
-Show birthdays from contact book with plugin (no 'read contacts' authorizations needed in the principle application)
-Timelines with MONTH and WEEK view
-Can include bi-week after week / bi-month to month occasions (or more perplexing)
-Multiple skins (counting completely transparent) to make an extravagant widget
-Scrollable widgets with Android 3.x/4.x and with generally elective launchers like ADW, Livehome, Go Launcher Ex or Launcherpro
-Support Android 4.0 and 4.1 (ICS / Ice cream Sandwich / Jelly Bean)

What's New

-FIX skin server DNS issue
-NEW Anydo auto-revive
-NEW Anydo full classifications posting

Pure Grid Calendar Widget v2.5.4Pure Grid Calendar Widget v2.5.4

Pure Grid Calendar Widget v2.5.4Pure Grid Calendar Widget v2.5.4

Pure Grid Calendar Widget v2.5.4Pure Grid Calendar Widget v2.5.4



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