Tweetings is a powerful Twitter Client for Android devices.
- Large screen support with panes
-Push warnings in excess of 3g or Wifi for notice, dms, when you get another adherent, when you are retweeted, and so on. You don't even require the application open!
-Supports presenting on Twitlonger and inline development
-Uploading pictures and additionally, Twitpic and yfrog
-Can be designed to immediately resend fizzled tweets
-Tweetmarker & Tweetings Cloud Timeline Sync help
-Stream Tweets over Wifi... let the tweets stream, no compelling reason to revive your fundamental courses of events once more
-Manage different accounts
-Split long tweets into different shorter tweets
-Inline picture reviews
-Light and dim topic, even immediately switch dependent upon the time of day!
-Navigate timetable utilizing volume keys (discretionary)
-User photograph timetables
-Choose standard or light fonts (Jellybean and higher)
-Schedule tweets: compose a tweet, set a period and a date then after that fair hold up. Arrange for your deivce to send them for your sake or remotely where your gadget doesn't even need to be turned on!
-Saved Searches
-View tweeting client's close-by on a guide
-Local Trends
-Translate tweets
-Shorten interfaces with a mixed bag of suppliers, incorporating, and
-List help
-Mute twitter clients, statements or requisitions
-View discussion inline
-Delete your own particular tweets
-Change timetable content size
-Enable or cripple retweets on a client by client groundwork
-Pull to revive
-Optional tappable timetable connections
-Compose username & hashtag autocomplete
-Add tweets to Buffer (see
-Post or offer discussion strings utilizing Storify
-Automatic timetable hole recognition, and if that comes up short physically include crevices yourself
-Load crevices in the course of events above or underneath the crevice position
-Timeline widget
-Multi-window uphold for good units, (for example Galaxy Note 2)
-Photo altering accessible as a free downloadable growth
-Integration as a Dashclock growth