CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4 - Apk Bengor

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CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4

CyanogenMod 10.2, 10.1, 10, 9 & AOKP: Galaxy S4 TouchWiz theme for the theme chooser
Please read all of this before complaining it doesnt work!!

[Themed (non)-system apps]
- Apex Launcher
- Nova Launcher
- Action Launcher Pro
- ADW Launcher EX
- Apollo
- Android music player
- Poweramp
- Go Contacts EX
- Go Dialer EX
- exDialer & Contacts
- Origin Explorer
- ASTRO Filemanager
- OI Filemanager
- ES File Explorer
- Solid Exporer
- Camera Ice cream Sandwhich
- Camera ICS+
- Camera JB+
- Camera Launcher for Nexus 7
Now supporting Android 4.3 JellyBean!

What's New
New on/off toggles (Android 4.3 only)
White statusbar icons
Black settings background
Android 4.3 (CM10.2) support
Changes support for xxhdpi devices (HTC One, Galaxy S4, Xperia Z)
Bug fixes

CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4

CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4

CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4

CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4



CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4

CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4

CyanogenMod 10.2, 10.1, 10, 9 & AOKP: Galaxy S4 TouchWiz theme for the theme chooser
Please read all of this before complaining it doesnt work!!

[Themed (non)-system apps]
- Apex Launcher
- Nova Launcher
- Action Launcher Pro
- ADW Launcher EX
- Apollo
- Android music player
- Poweramp
- Go Contacts EX
- Go Dialer EX
- exDialer & Contacts
- Origin Explorer
- ASTRO Filemanager
- OI Filemanager
- ES File Explorer
- Solid Exporer
- Camera Ice cream Sandwhich
- Camera ICS+
- Camera JB+
- Camera Launcher for Nexus 7
Now supporting Android 4.3 JellyBean!

What's New
New on/off toggles (Android 4.3 only)
White statusbar icons
Black settings background
Android 4.3 (CM10.2) support
Changes support for xxhdpi devices (HTC One, Galaxy S4, Xperia Z)
Bug fixes

CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4

CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4

CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4

CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4CM10.2 CM9 GALAXY S4 TW theme v3.6.4



Lorem Ipsum is an example of dummy text in the printing and lettering industry Lorem Ipsum is an example of dummy text in the printing and lettering industry

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